
Registration, Welcome Coffee


Opening Ceremony | Welcome Speech

Government of Georgia

  • Levan Davitashvili - Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia
  • Zurab Azarashvili - Minister of Internally Displaced persons from Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia

Parliament of Georgia

  • Davit Songhulashvili Chairman of the Parliament's Sectoral Economy and Economic Policy Committee
  • Mikheil Sarjveladze Chairperson of the Human Rights and Civil Integration Committee, Parliament of Georgia

International Organizations

  • Teresa Moreira Head of Competition & Consumer Policies, UNCTAD
  • Ori Schwartz Head of the Competition Division, OECD

 5 minutes break


Opening Session | Competition and Consumer Rights in a Sectoral Perspective - Results, Achievements and Challenges

Moderator - Giorgi Abashishvili, Executive Director of “BUSINESS INSIDER GEORGIA”, Dean at Alte University Business School


  • Irakli Lekvinadze Chairman of Georgian National Competition Agency
  • Natia Turnava Acting Governor of National Bank of Georgia
  • Davit Narmania Chairman of Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission
  • David Onoprishvili Chairman of The Insurance State Supervision Service of Georgia
  • Vakhtang Abashidze Commissioner  of Communications Commission

Coffee Break

Media Comments 
Family Photo 

Key Note Speaker

  • William E. Kovacic Global Competition Professor of Law and Policy at George Washington University, Director of its Competition Law Center

Competition Policy, as Instrument of Growth for Small and Emerging Economies

Social Effect of Competition Policy: Impact of Consumer Price Index and Inflation on Sensitive Market (Pharmacy, Transport, Grocery, etc)



Parallel Session #1

Agreements Restricting Competition, Effective Detection and Prevention Mechanisms, International and Domestic Experience

Moderator - Giorgi Isakadze, Host & Editor at BMG, TV Host and Producer


  • Ilia Ghudushauri Deputy Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia;
  • Giorgi Kedelidze, Head of Market Monitoring and Analysis Department, GNCA
  • Čedomir Radodojčić Member of the Council of the Commission for the Protection of Competition of Republic of Serbia;
  • Vesselka Kosserska State Expert of Commission on Protection of Competition of Bulgaria;
  • Ramaz Razmadze Chief Specialist of Legal Department, GNCA;
Parallel Session #2

Trade Policy and Indirect Mechanisms Supporting Competition

Moderator - Nika Sergia, Head of Department for Anti-dumping Measures, GNCA.


  • Eka Sepashvili First Deputy Chairman of the Sectoral Economy and Economic Policy Committee of the Parliament;
  • John Brakeveldt Director of the European Business Association;
  • Vakhtang Charaia Dean of the School of Economics and Business of Grigol Robakidze University;
  • Mariana Morgoshia  Head of the Association of Manufacturers of Georgia;
Parallel Session #3

Current Trends and Key Challenges in Consumer Rights Protection: Experience of Georgia and European Countries

Moderator - Ekaterine Kokichaishvili, Senior Lawyer at law firm "MKD"


  • Mariam Shaishmelashvili Head of Administration Department, GNCA;
  • Tamar Bazghadze Deputy Director of Legal Department, GENRC;
  • Lasha Gzirishvili Head of Consumer Protection Department of the National Bank of Georgia;
  • Mariam Koshoridze Head of Consumer and Financial Education Dicision, Insurance State Supervision Service of Georgia;
  • Martyna Derszniak-Noirjean Director of the International Cooperation of Competition and Consumer Protection Office, UOKiK.



Coffee Break




Parallel Session #1

Effective Mechanisms of Concentration Control

Moderator - Irakli Shakiashvili,  Acting Head of the Legal  Department of GNCA; 


  • Alexei GHERȚESCU President of the Competition Council of Moldova; 
  • Aleksandre Dzneladze President of Banking Association of Georgia;
  • Paata Medzvelia Deputy Head of Strategic Markets Monitoring Department, GNCA; 
  •  Iva Chkonia President at Georgian distributors Business Association.
Parallel Session #2

Consumer Rights Protection: Fostering Sustainability Through Awareness-Raising and Preventative Measure

Moderator - Arnau Izaguerri Vila, Legal Officer - Competition and Consumer Policies Branch, Division on International Trade and Commodities, UNCTAD


  • Sergo Sanikidze Head of the Consumer Rights Protection Department, GNCA;
  • Salome Vardiashvili Public Defender of Consumers Interests, Energy Ombudsman;
  • Kristina M. Mulligan Attorney-Office of International Affairs at the Federal Trade Commission USA;
  • Tamar Lakerbaia  Consumer Rights Protection Expert, Judge  
Parallel Session #3

Competition Policy and Sustainable Development, Regulated Markets and Interagency Cooperation

Moderator - Levan Kalandadze, First Deputy Chairman of  GNCA.


  • Ali Gezbeli  Competition Expert of Turkish Competition Authority;
  • Nika Nanuashvili  Legal Analyst at Business Association of Georgia; 
  • Sopio Momtselidze Head of Competition Division at the Legal Department, National Bank of Georgia.
  • Ana Taktakishvili Lawyer, Market Monitoring Department, GENRC;
  • Levan Maisuradze Head of Legal Support Group at The Legal Department of the Communications Commission;

Registration, Welcome Coffee


UNCTAD Session | Key Trends and Challenges of Consumer Protection in E-commerce

Moderator - Teresa Moreira, Head of Competition & Consumer Policies, UNCTAD


  • Daniel Mańkowski Vice-President  of Competition and Consumer Protection of Poland;
  • Goda Aleksaite Director of State Consumer Rights Protection Authority of Lithuania;
  • Izabella Szoboszlai Member of the Competition Council of the Hungarian Competition Authority;
  • Hara Nikolopoulou Vice president of Hellenic Competition Commission;
  • Elnur Shamistan oghlu Baghirov Deputy to Head of ServiceState Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Controlunder the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Coffee Break


OECD Session | Conveying the Benefits of Competition and the Risks of Infringing Competition Law

Moderator- Ori Schwartz, Head of the OECD Competition Division


  • Natalie Harsdorf-Borsch Director General of the Austrian Competition Authority;
  • Anuj Verma  Deputy Director, Financial Analyst, Competition Commission of India;
  • Jolanta Ivanauskienė  Chairwoman of Lithuanian Competition Council;
  • Dan Virgil Pascu Vice-President of the Romanian Competition Council.



Memorandum Signing Ceremony between the Counterpart Agencies of the Competition and Consumer Rights Protection

  • Georgia – Austria
  • Georgia – Serbia

Registration, Welcome Coffee


Welcome Speech

  • David Songulashvili  Chairman of the Sectoral Economy and Economic Policy Committee of the Parliament of Georgia

Closing Remarks

  • Georgian National Competition Agency
  • National Bank of Georgia
  • Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission
  • Insurance State Supervision Service of Georgia
  • Communications Commission